Source Code

Source Code

The source code is openly available. It is programmed in Go 1.11+.


DGraph 1.1+ is a performant, developer-friendly graph database.



A Docker image can be created using the Dockerfile.

It is designed to store DGraph data in an s3-compatible bucket.

You can run it with a command like this:

docker run --name lemma-chain -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx_secret -e BUCKET_NAME=xxx_bucket_name --privileged -p 1323:1323 thehonestscoop/lemma-chain


All configuration values are set via Environment Variables.


A random string used to create unique identifiers. Once set in production, it must not be modified.

MAX_PAYLOAD_KB (default: 12)

Each reference can store associated custom JSON data. This parameter sets the maximum size of the payload in kilobytes.

BEHIND_PROXY (default: 0)

If the application sits behind a proxy, set to 1.

PORT (default: 1323)

The port used to listen for connections.

QUERY_TIMEOUT (default: 300ms)

To prevent abuse of the service, a timeout (in ms) can be set.

CACHE_DURATION (default: 15)

Results of GET endpoints are cached for a duration (in minutes) based on this setting.

RATE_LIMIT (default 4.0)

To prevent abuse of the service, a maximum number of requests per second per IP address can be set.


All POST requests require passing Google recaptcha validation. You can set your recaptcha secret here. The default value allows all requests to pass validation.


If both GMAIL_ACCOUNT and GMAIL_PASSWORD are not set, all accounts will be created in a verified state.


The website url (if you create references and accounts via a website).


The url of the lemma chain server application.


Gmail email address for account verification emails to be sent from.


Gmail password for the above gmail account.

SMTP_HOST (default: “”)

SMTP Host domain of your email server.

SMTP_PORT (default: 587)

SMTP Port of your email server.