A reference is the primary data entity. It can hold custom arbitrary data in the form of a JSON object. The reference can be located using the GET /:ref
owner (optional)
The owner parameter sets the account name of the prospective reference. If unset, the reference will be ‘unowned’ by an account. If set, the account owner must be currently authenticated.
parents (optional)
parents are other references that the prospective reference links to. It accepts an array of strings where the first part is the ref type
. This can be an arbitrary tag that does not contain "
, @
or /
. It is followed by a :
and then the identifier of the other reference.
Each reference can have up to 250 parent refs.
data (required)
The data parameter is used to store arbitrary custom data associated with the reference. Each reference must contain some data - even if it is an empty JSON object. It must be a string containing a JSON payload. It can contain at most 12kB of data.
searchable (optional)
When searchable is set, the reference can be discovered by the search endpoint. The default value is false.
search_title and search_synopsis (optional)
The search_title and search_synopsis are used to provide extra details to help the search endpoint understand the content of the reference. When searchable is set to true, search_title and/or search_synopsis is required.
The search_title must be a title containing less than 100 characters. The search_synopsis is more descriptive and must contain less than 800 characters.
An example request:
"owner": "@alpha",
"parents": ["required:@alpha/redsss242", "recommended:mnn2sdew76"],
"data": "{\"custom_data\": \"abcdef\"}",
"searchable": true,
"search_title": "A book title",
"search_synopsis": "The blurb of the book",
"recaptcha_code": ""
An example response:
"link": "fjyvs4c2jk"
Find a ref and all its parents
This endpoint has a max query duration of 300ms. If the query takes longer, then a 408 Status code is returned. The results of this endpoint are cached for 15 minutes.
depth (optional)
Since each reference can link to multiple other parent references, which can each link to multiple other parent references, the depth parameter sets a limit to the recursion.
In most cases, the depth parameter should be unset since you want the full chain of references returned.
types (optional)
The types parameter is a comma-delimited list of ref types
that you want to filter for. In common use cases, you want all ref types
NOTE: The custom JSON data is expanded out in the response. In all other endpoints, the response returns the data as a JSON-encoded string.
An example response:
"id": "23js45tbtl4",
"data": {
"custom_data": "abcdef"
"refs": [
"data": {
"id": "y2zsbpt8tdd",
"ref_type": "recommended"
"data": {
"Title": "required reading"
"id": "@beta/p8rsy7tjt7y",
"ref_type": "required",
"refs": [
"data": {
"title": "Dictionary"
"id": "@alpha/9v7s4gtgt9",
"ref_type": "required"
"data": {
"title": "The Bible"
"id": "@alpha/43rsyjtzt8",
"ref_type": "recommended"