Hugo shortcodes

Hugo shortcodes

What is Hugo?

Hugo is a leading static site generator which allows you to generate websites with minimal coding expertise. It is extremely popular for creating high-quality blogs and documentation.

The Gutter can be easily integrated to Hugo sites, but it does require you to make some minor coding adjustments.


HTML Template

  1. Add the Gutter library to the bottom of the HTML template
  2. Make sure it is somewhere below the closing </body> tag.

The HTML template files can be found in the layouts directory.

<script src="" defer></script>

Create Shortcodes

  1. Create shortcodes in layouts/shortcodes directory

var parentTag = document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1].parentNode;parentTag.classList.add("ths-gutter");
{{ with .Get "tags"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-tags', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "debug"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-debug', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "placement"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-placement', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "width"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-width', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "color"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-color', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "margin"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-margin', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "resolution"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-resolution', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "gap"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-gap', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "labels"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-labels', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "baseline"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-baseline', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "padding"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-padding', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}{{ with .Get "merge"}} parentTag.setAttribute('data-merge', '{{.}}'); {{ end }}


<span class="ths-marker"
{{ with .Get "tag"}} data-tag="{{.}}" {{ end }}
{{ with .Get "max"}} data-max="{{.}}" {{ end }}
{{ with .Get "limit"}} data-limit="{{.}}" {{ end }}
{{ with .Get "spread"}} data-spread="{{.}}" {{ end }}

Add Gutter

In your content file (*.md) insert something like this at the top:

{\{< gutter placement="left" color="red,green" width="5" margin="1" padding="5" resolution="1" gap="0" tags="xxx,zzz" >}}

Read the documentation for more information on the various parameters. You must not prepend the parameters with data-*.

Also remove the \ inside the {\{< above.

Add markers

In your content file (*.md) insert something like this at various points where you want markers:

{\{< marker tag="xxx" max="100%"  >}}

Read the documentation for more information on the various parameters. You must not prepend the parameters with data-*.

Also remove the \ inside the {\{< above.

Known Issues

If the gutter is affecting your page summary, then either place it lower down or set the summary manually using the front-matter.